I finally decided to try adding a page for power yachts.
Email your boat's information and I will add it to the list.
This page has Columbia Power Yachts. The Sailboats less than 30 ft and 30 ft and up are on separate pages.
Year Hull# Name Home Port Owner30 ft Columbia Express Cruisers 1964 name? Ross Hollinger ross(at)comnett.net 1964 The Other Lady San Diego, CA Ryan Young rwyoung02(at)aol.com 1966 Seagona II David Scrogham davidscrogham(at)netzero.net 1966 name? Austin, TX Glenn Gawlik glenngawlik(at)yahoo.com 1967 Troll Me Away Waukegan, MI (for sale Yachtworld.com 3/2004) 196? Carmin Cimino Mitchbus(at)aol.com 19?? Indepth Palm Harbor, FL (sold on eBay 3/2004) 1974? name? KTins47435(at)aol.com
Sail Registry (less than 30 ft) and Sail Registry (30 ft and up)
CYOA Webmaster (CYOA(at)flying-gecko.net)
(updated 05-JUL-2011)