Raftup on the Magothy, July 2003
Summer has been flying by here on the Chesapeake and we realized that we needed
to get some people together before it was gone. Kip Hamilton and I picked a date and
Kip suggested an anchorage north of Gibson Island on the Magothy River, just north of
Annapolis. The short notice worked against us and only Bill and Marilyn Clark were able
to join us.
It was a gorgous day and Jackie and I and our friends Vivian and Steve tacked
Pelago up the Bay against the unusual northerly wind.
We arrived in the Magothy just ahead of Kip and Beth and there crew on Moonbreeze.
We followed them past the horde of boats anchored behind Dobbins Island and around Gibson
Island to the anchorage. As we proceeded we spotted Sancturary off the starboard
bow. |
We found the anchorage to be much more crowded than we expected. We did get lucky and find
a space in the anchorage. We toured boats, barbecued, swam and just enjoyed life in
general. The picture shows Sanctuary, Bill and Marilyn's immaculate Columbia 34; Moonbreeze, Kip and Beth's
nice Columbia 36; and Pelago, my cosmetically challenged Columbia 40. |
I am beginning to think that Kip likes raftups because he gets work done on his mast.
I figured out that it's easier to go up the mast than to haul Kip up, so I changed the
lightbulbs and took some pictures while I was at it. In this one I edited out the other
boats so all you see is Moonbreeze. |
Here's a picture of part of the anchorage on Sunday morning. |
Eric White
Columbia 40 # 10