Justin Thompson now has the Columbia literature and engineering drawings saved when the Virginia plant closed. He sent me the following information in January 2000.
Prices do not include postage, please add 3.20 priority postage for owners manuals and small plans and $7.50 for tube and postage on the plans. To purchase just drop me an email, or send a check to the address below.
Columbia 40 (brochures are original): Unfortunately no brochures are left, please contact me if you'd like a copy of an original, I have two brochures, both are 4 pages, and have spec sheets and price lists included, $15.00 for copies of both. Blue Prints - $10 per plan (blue prints are copies not originals): C40 Sail plan, 30X33 C40 Sail plan, Yawl Rig, 30X33 C40 Lines, 26X34, 3/64 C40 Interior Layout, 30X35, 12/67 C40 Interior Plan & Joiner Sections, 26X34, 12/64 C40 Interior Plan & Joiner Sections w/ Piping Routing, 26X34, 12/64 C40 Interior Plan w/ Wiring Harness Routing, 26X34, 2/65 C40 Interior Plan, 7 Berth Option, Dinette Port, 26X34 C40 Deck Plan, 30X36, 12/64 C40 Port & Starboard Profile, 30X36 C40 Centerboard, 20X33, 11/68 C40 Short Rig Mast, 11X25 C40 Mast, 18X30, 9/68 C40 Deck Hardware, 18X24 C40 Interior Hardware, 18X24 C40 Deck, Cabin, Rudder Lamination Details, 16X17 C40 Masthead Fittings, 21X22, 11/64 C40 Masthead Assembly, 30X36, (Charlie Morgan Drawing) Blue Prints, 11X17 Size & Smaller - $5 per plan (blue prints are copies not originals): C40 Fuel Tank, 11X14, C40 Raritan Horizontal Heater Installation, 8.5X11 C40 Mast Collars, 11X14 C40 Mast Head Assembly, 8.5X11, 9/68, C40-02-1130 C40 Boom Assembly, 8.5X11, 10/68, C40-020-1200 There are many common blue prints among the Columbia models, on request I can research and track down a particular plan. Complete set of Plans & Copy of Brochure, - $180 with Shipping