Manufactured by:
849 West 18th St., Costa Mesa, California - 714 646-0221
2400 Wesley Sreett., Portsmouth, Virginia - 703 393-1051
The Columbia 21 is an open cockpit sloop. Although it's set up as a day sailor the rudder is not transom hung as you would expect on a small boat.
It's usually exciting to find hull #1, but not this time:
I'm sorry to report that I've come into possion of the S/N plate for Columbia C-21
serial number 001. It had been donated to the local Sea Scouts and they tried to sell
it. A buyer bought it for $100 then changed his mind and told them to keep the $100
and the boat. So they chained-sawed it up. I'd have bought it in a minute!
Dick Boyum, 3/2003
Literature available from Justin Thompson.